A short series of stop-motion films and accompanying activity videos, written for Imaginate’s Ideas Fund 2020, in collaboration with Christine 挺欢 Urquhart. Played on RenTV for Renfrewshire Leisure, 1st Feb-4th Jul 2021.

Get in touch if you would like to program this series.

Granny Fenella is stuck at home. She has been stuck at home for a very long time. Nobody comes to visit, and nothing comes through her letterbox except boring old leaflets and bills. Granny Fenella HATES leaflets and bills. She lets them pile up on her doormat until you could jump on top of them and not hurt yourself at all. Then, one day, everything changes. A parcel slips through Granny Fenella’s letterbox. It is a lumpy parcel, with big round edges and a squishy middle. Inside it is a pair of slippers… Except these are not just slippers; these are magical slippers. When she puts them on, Granny Fenella’s world changes and her flat becomes a magical playground where anything is possible. When more items start to come through her door, sent by relatives and friends, Granny Fenella starts to look forward to the post after all! Each new letter or gift takes her into a new adventure, and she discovers her little home is far bigger than she thought.

Designer: Christine 挺欢 Urquhart

Narrator & Composer: Samuel Pashby